Sunday School

Sunday School September 15th 2024

This topic contains 61 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  PopeBeanie 4 months, 3 weeks ago.

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    I guess Vance has admitted the Haitians eating pets is a fabrication.

    What a horrible fucking thing to do. Haiti is a cauldron of instability and chaos. So for Haitians who make it to USA to be hit with that BS and resultant discrimination is unconscionable. I have to assume Haitians want to assimilate and make a good life for themselves here.


    Simon Paynton

    It seems like some of Trump’s own gun nuts are turning on him.  This one was a previous Trump voter who became “disillusioned” with DJT.



    I don’t think that assassination attempt was real. I think they were both staged. It’s Trump’s new way to get a poll boost. “Poor me look at me, they’re trying to kill me, (sob sob)…..”

    Staged with the full cooperation of the Secret Service?

    I don’t think so.



    It seems like some of Trump’s own gun nuts are turning on him. This one was a previous Trump voter who became “disillusioned” with DJT.

    They should all be disillusioned with him. You can’t believe a word he says.



    Here’s a hint that there remain things that can’t be explained with the standard model of physics: Why does the number 1/137 turn up all over the place?


    Simon Paynton

    They should all be disillusioned with him. You can’t believe a word he says.

    “Two assassination attempts in as many months.”  I think that Trump is going to get assassinated.  I hope he doesn’t, because it would make everything ten times worse.  I would feel sorry for him, but I blame him too for consistently ramping up the political temperature.



    I’m waiting for someone, either party, to be killed with a suicide drone. If Ukrainians can blow up tanks with easily-modified off-the-shelf drones, I don’t think there’s a way to stop it from happening.


    Simon Paynton

    I don’t think there’s a way to stop it from happening.

    I imagine that the secret services monitor the physical airspace around the political VIPs.


    Ryan Routh had spent time in Ukraine and I had wondered why he had not thought to use a drone, giving the volume of drones used in the war against Russia. My friend in Ukraine said the same to me the following day.




    Simon i was wondering how the aftermath of an assassination would play out. Can imagine scenarios, situations, exchanges of great peace and love descending from above like leaves of autumn gently descening to the earth’s bottom.



    Jake, I want some of whatever you’re toking, drinking or inhaling

    please… 😎



    Simon i was wondering how the aftermath of an assassination would play out. Can imagine scenarios, situations, exchanges of great peace and love descending from above like leaves of autumn gently descening to the earth’s bottom.

    If Kamala wins—and it’s looking more and more like she might—we can expect Jan 6 all over again, only much bigger.

    Luckily, the vast power the conservatives on the Supreme Court thought they were bequeathing Trump, will be in the hands of Biden until Kamala gets them. I would hope that before the election, Biden uses his new powers to use the military to help prevent voter intimidation at the polling places at least in key precincts.

    What can be done about state legislators sending fake electors…we’ll have to see. Maybe Biden could declare the election  subverted and invalid and order a new one.

    No matter how you look at it, there’s a really bumpy ride ahead. To err is human, to fuck up an entire country you need a charismatic power-hungry narcissist with no moral compass whatsoever combined with a significant section of the populace who would rather go back to the days of yore rather than move forward into a new future.




    How about a nice song to mellow the foreboding post or pre voting? And Strega look within to elicit the brain’s dope.




    Beneath the moon, a gruesome feast they hold,
    Those dusky Haitians, their hunger set loose.
    Their plates are piled with dishes both hot and cold,
    Beloved cats and dogs plus the occasional goose.

    With gusto they devour the delicious flesh.
    Their laughter echoes through the frightful wood,
    A macabre scene, a ghastly, gruesome mess,
    Where appetites for furry pets are fueled.

    Their eyes widened with feral, savage lust,
    As they tear and gnaw with ferocious glee.
    The forest trembles at what is feared most,
    A monstrous horde, a twisted company.

    And so they feast, ’til their hunger’s sated,
    Those heinous Haitians, so rightly hated.


    Was that poem written by Catgpt?


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