Sunday School
Sunday School September 15th 2024
This topic contains 61 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by PopeBeanie 4 months, 3 weeks ago.
September 18, 2024 at 1:05 am #54725
Was that poem written by Catgpt?
Actually, I used Gemini AI and I never mentioned dogs, cats, or geese in the instructions. I used frogs and toads, I think. Nor did I mention Haitians to keep me from getting blocked. I’m not sure I would have, but just to be safe.
September 19, 2024 at 2:22 am #54728Just for the halibut i will mention some contemporary occurrences that stretch credulity or are so improbable that they’d seem like a ridiculous plot in a bad movie.
1. A former president who is ardent in his allegation of pet eating Hatians.
2. Israelis at war with everybody around em and pull off a massive James Bond move with electrical devices that blow up en masse. And then they do it again!
3. Extreme liberals aka progressives who instead of promoting humanist values hinder humanist values by enabling Islam to go merrily along and so sacrosanct that criticizing Islam is akin to criticizing Muslims. Thank you very much says Islam and we shall continue to execute gays, apostates, sharia law….etc
4. Progressives opposing free speech. This was such a mainstream liberal idea that if the speech makes ya uncomfortable cuz it’s offensive well tough titty.
5. Ardent Christians licking Israel’s hind titty. The former perpetuator of antisemitism is full swing supporter of Jews and Israel. Christians pass the Jew hating baton to progressives. Yeah we all know why. Still in all it is weird.
6. Meanwhile the progressives who always opposed racism promoting racism against Jews.
7. Progressives by making a morality play and mini religion out of Jew hatred causing the spotlight on humanitarian crises, wars, genocides to be too dim for all but a few well informed thereby enabling evildoers to do their thang unhindered.
8. Super liberal nations like Denmark and now even Norway and Sweden turning to the right thanks to misguided immigration policies towards Muslims.
September 19, 2024 at 2:05 pm #54729Old school conservative xtians were pro-Israel for decades mainly because its existence supposedly fulfills some phony prophecies as they yearn for their end-o-times to save them from their miserable existence.
September 19, 2024 at 3:41 pm #54730Yeah Robert that was my we all know why.
I had the feeling at least among the few participants here that we would all be aware of that fact. I asked meta whether it had a handle on what is common knowledge and it did. Also our highest level of education.
That article i linked really strikes me as significant. If it is true that most of us do not enjoy thinking it fits with how easily led we are. Add our tribal nature to our distaste of thinking and you have religious adherence, cult adherence, ideological traps…
September 19, 2024 at 4:23 pm #54731Without denying that antisemitism exists, please quit this broad brush fallacy (the fallacy of composition) that all of us who decry Israel’s heavy-handed and indiscriminate conduct of the war.
A few words from that pro-Naxi antisemite—by your definition—Bernie Sanders (from four months ago, so the stats he gives are much worse by now):
Hamas inflicted needless and wanton harm on Israelis, and so far Israel’s Trumpian response could be characterized as “You think you can be criminally inhuman? We can be even more criminally inhuman!”
Opposition to Netanyahu’s conduct of the war isn’t antisemitism. He, like Trump, is prolonging the war to avoid being held to account for his political sins. That is why, far from trying to bring down the temperature, he’s escalating the conflict with his recent attack by exploding pagers and phones, which clearly is threatening to bring in Hezbollah, Iran, the Lebanese government and perhaps even the United States.
Say hello to World War 3.
September 19, 2024 at 4:51 pm #54732Thoughtful exploration of the topics follows. The hypocrisy and hyperfocus is for one reason and one alone. Jew hatred to the bone. Well either that or moronic mindless never had a critical thought ideologue ignorance.
The calculus is very simple.
A ceasefire was in place on October 6th.
Hamas attacked Israel on October 7th, killing some 1,200 people and kidnapping 251. They broke the ceasefire.
Hezbollah started firing rockets, missiles, and drones towards northern Israel on October 8th to express solidarity with Hamas’s murderous attacks. They broke the ceasefire.
The Houthi-controlled government in Yemen began launching drones and missiles at Israel on October 19th, and attacked naval and shipping vessels in the Red Sea, in order to protest Israel’s response to the murder of Israeli citizens. They broke the ceasefire.On September 17th, 2,750 Hezbollah terrorists were injured in Lebanon and 12 (as of this publication) were killed when their pagers detonated simultaneously around 3:30 p.m. Whoever did this — Israel has confirmed nothing, though Hezbollah, Lebanon, and Iran assert that Israel is to blame — performed an almost unimaginably successful feat of espionage and undercover warfare.
The international community regularly castigates Israel for supposedly being “indiscriminate” in its war against Hamas in Gaza. That is patently absurd, as Israel has been extraordinarily careful in aiming at terror targets and avoiding civilian casualties. Because Hamas embeds itself in the civilian population as a matter of principle, there have been thousands of Gazan civilian deaths — every single one of which is the moral and legal responsibility of Hamas. Yet the numbers of civilian casualties, given the reality of Hamas’s tactics, is historically low. As retired US army officer John Spencer has said, “Israel sets the gold standard in terms of preserving civilian lives.” Yet so many people who know better assume incorrectly that any civilian deaths are Israel’s responsibility and deserve moral opprobrium. In saying this, they reveal their own ignorance or, equally likely, their ingrained antisemitism.
Israel is certainly not perfect, but its conduct during this war in Gaza will be reviewed for years as a model of ethical urban warfare against an enemy that actively tries to maximize the number of noncombatants killed. Those who wantonly and foolishly accuse Israel of genocide (without even understanding the meaning of the term) do not realize (or don’t care) that demanding that not one civilian be killed while a terrorist army hides behind those civilians leads to a future where every terrorist can act with impunity, simply by hiding in the midst of civilians.
Either that, or these impossible rules only apply to the Jewish state.
Then the United Nations’ special coordinator for Lebanon, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, announced that the attack via pager against Hezbollah terrorists was “an extremely concerning escalation.”
Let’s recall: Hezbollah has launched more than 8,000 missiles at Israel over the past 11 months, trying to kill as many Israeli civilians as possible — for the express goal of supporting the terrorist murderers and kidnappers who killed nearly 1,200 innocents on October 7th. Hezbollah has no real territorial designs on Israel, other than wanting the entire Jewish state eradicated, along with every Jewish individual who resides therein. (Once that is achieved, they will come for the rest of the Jews, who live elsewhere.) Israel has done nothing to offend Hezbollah or Lebanon — other than to exist — and Hezbollah plans to punish it for the temerity of not disappearing.
On Tuesday, Hezbollah was attacked in the most discriminating manner imaginable: its operatives were attacked with explosive pagers that were the exclusive possession of Hezbollah terrorists. If a Lebanese citizen was not affiliated with Hezbollah, he or she did not possess an explosive pager. A more moral and ethical undercover operation against terrorists cannot be imagined. Even those who castigate Israel for the civilian deaths in Gaza should be impressed.
Yet the UN representative predictably complains about “an extremely concerning escalation.” Her vacuous and amoral remarks are laughable, and must serve as a perverse reminder to terrorists and terrorist states across the world:
When you start a war against innocents, you do not get to complain in the event that the victims of your aggression decide to “escalate.” And when the country whose citizens were slaughtered and terrorized fights back, you do not get to decide the random red lines behind which that country is forced to stand.
You chose to start it. That doesn’t mean you get to decide how it ends.
September 19, 2024 at 8:50 pm #54733The pager/cell phone attack probably qualifies under most definitions of international terror because there was never any guarantee that only Hamas members would receive them or always be the ones in possession of them or that innocent civilians would not be killed or maimed.
The nature of the injuries also fits into the terror aspect:
What is the endgame here? Does Netanyahu believe that he can terrorize Hamas into waving a white hanky? No, he believes that by escalating he can establish a protracted war and thereby postpone or avoid being held to account for his own crimes, following Trump’s strategy, though with a far greater chance of success, because unlike Trump, he’s currently in control.
September 19, 2024 at 8:53 pm #54734@ Jake
If it’s your belief that two wrongs make a right sometimes, just admit it.
September 19, 2024 at 11:50 pm #54735I was on a phone call with my Israeli client earlier today. We spent ten minutes on work and then shot the breeze for a couple of hours.
He asked me about the US elections. I asked him how he felt about Netanyahu and his reply was fascinating. Along the lines of:
Personally he hates Bibi but that’s because all the liberals hate him. The Orthodox Jews support him however. There’s a rift in their society exacerbated by the war. The Orthodoxes don’t have to fight in the war – they are exempt from the draft – mostly they don’t work at all, studying their religion as scholars. So this means the war is being fought only by the liberals (I don’t think he means liberals like in the US, I think he means it as modern Jews). So the ‘liberals’ are all paying taxes, and signing up to fight, and losing family and friends all the time. He says they now look at the Orthodox people and are angry they don’t have to go to war or support Israel in any meaningful way. He says Bibi will get old and die, and doesn’t really matter much. He says the rift between ‘left’ and ‘right’ is the biggest hurdle they’re facing but that in the end it will make his country stronger.
Note: my client is a (reserve) Brigadier General in the Cyber division and has (reenlisted) been fighting in the war since the start.
Our zoom meetings can be super bizarre with sirens and such going on.
September 20, 2024 at 12:49 am #54736I am pretty sure there were mass protests after the Israeli Supreme Court cleared way to draft orthodox.
Religion is a cancer. Tiny country. Enemies everywhere and they want same benefits without sharing the obligations.
I am also pretty sure that the progressives in Israel who were supportive of Palestinians have turned hard right. How could it be otherwise. The Palestinians from Gaza who came to Israel to work on Kibbutz’gave Hamas intelligence so they could better locate and slaughter.
September 20, 2024 at 5:54 pm #54737I have friends recently back from Jerusalem who described the situation with Bibi in similar terms .
Our zoom meetings can be super bizarre with sirens and such going on.
I speak with a friend in Ukraine and it is not unusual to cut the call when we hear Iranian drones overhead. A sound that will never be forgotten.
September 20, 2024 at 5:56 pm #54738I think that ultimately Israel will have to decide what to do when the Muslim population exceeds the Jewish population. How, then, to remain a Jewish state? Expel Muslims? Exterminate Muslims? Disenfranchise Muslims? Is there a Plan D?
September 20, 2024 at 6:02 pm #54739Think of all the people who have heard air raid sirens. Get their asses lickety split to bomb shelters…
September 20, 2024 at 8:52 pm #54740September 20, 2024 at 9:38 pm #54741That damn song gave me a bad earwurm.
It is emblematic of the absurdity of life.
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