Sunday School

Sunday School September 15th 2024

This topic contains 61 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  PopeBeanie 4 months, 3 weeks ago.

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  • #54689

    Pew Research: The religious views of registered voters in 2024 and a Census of American Religion from non-profit research group PRRI.

    18 reasons why Americans are abandoning their Faith.

    Donal Trump and his relationship with Laura Loomer.

    Mark Robinson visited sex shops, paid for an abortion, and needs the Christian vote and all since he found Jesus.

    The despotic leader of a foreign country pushes a false claim that both American presidential candidates are “against life” and JD Vance wants to be eaten by him as his breakfast.

    Religious leaders push back against conservative Christians who “misuse religion… for hatred”.

    World of Woo: Is ‘Wellness’ bad news for healthcare?

    Environment:  Climate change: Surging seas are coming for us all.

    Cosmology could be on the verge of discovering new physics.

    Indian scientists develop ‘Brain on a Chip’ technology.

    How does physicist Brian Cox tell the time.

    Cave discovery in France may explain why Neanderthals disappeared.

    Evolution depends on entropy and without it there would be no life.

    From stardust to sentience: How scientific literacy can improve your ability to foster gratitude.

    Ig Nobel prizes 2024.

    Long Reads: Why a Secular commitment to Science warrants pride, not humility.  Plato’s Cave and the stubborn persistence of ignorance.  The surprising role of deep thinking in conspiracy theories and how A.I. is helping those who believe them “exit the rabbit hole”.  Free Speech and Universities. Greenpeace may be committed to “saving the whales,” but it’s happy to let poor children go blind and die. What if Trump wins? The real heroes are dead.

    Sunday Book Club:  Knife by Salman Rushdie.

    Some photographs taken last week.  Ocean photography of the year.

    While you are waiting for the kettle to boil……

    Coffee Break Videos: Christian Professor annihilates atheists with his big brain.  Why Democracy is mathematically impossible.


    Have a great week everybody!

    Generally speaking, the errors in religion are dangerous; those in philosophy only ridiculous.

    David Hume.



    Regarding rising oceans, Trump quips that rising oceans will mean more beachfront property.

    No, idiot: It will shrink the landmass and thus the total shoreline in the world will decrease, not increase.



    Regarding Brian Cox’s collab with watchmaker IWC, I’m a big fan of mechanical (clockwork-based) watches. I always feel a little sad for someone wearing a “smart” watch.

    I find it amazing that mankind can make a tiny machine you can wear on your wrist, held together by screws about the size of coffee grounds, which can keep time with an accuracy amounting, often, to mere seconds per day. I find that more astonishing than the technology behind smart watches or even quartz watches.

    Add onto that the fact that many of the are also quite beautiful and I never have felt the tiniest twinge of a desire to wear a smart watch.



    Regarding the article on entropy, there is a real question whether time is really directional and yet the entire concept of entropy hangs its hat on the assumption that time is directional. Am I wrong?

    • This reply was modified 5 months ago by  Unseen.

    Yes, here is some beachfront property Trump should invest in.


    Brain Cox on Entropy and the Arrow of Time…



    Oh my god who names their kid Brain Cox.

    Just willfully subjecting him to merciless teasing. That is not right nor is smoking crack wearing tight pants with a puss on your face…


    Oh my god who names their kid Brain Cox.

    He can blame his parents, Dick and Suki, for that. I wonder if nominative determinism was at play when they were named.



    Thanks, Reg 🙂



    Of the 18 reasons to abandon religion, Many overlap or reword other reasons, And #6 is a joke “Couldn’t Be Bothered to Get Up on Sunday Mornings”.

    The “brain on a chip” sounds like Asimov’s positronic brains.

    Using a chatbot to debunk conspiracies is a slippery slope. Soon marketers will use chatbots to convince people to buy stuff, or vote against their best interests, or join scientology. I recently tried a chatbot. It was infuriatingly neutral. I wanted it to take my side. Since this study showed chatbots can be persuasive, Maybe making a chatbot take a side is not such a great idea (if it’s not my side). We have enough human bullshiters.

    Rising oceans will mean NEW beachfront property. Expensive (limited) beachfront property. All good news for a real estate guy like Rump. He can’t see any downside at all.



    Yes, here is some beachfront property Trump should invest in.

    He did.

    “The Trump National Golf Club is a mile away from Portuguese Bend. The former president bought it in 2002 after it went bankrupt because the 18th hole fell into the ocean in a landslide. It’s still open for business.”



    Oh my god who names their kid Brain Cox. Just willfully subjecting him to merciless teasing. That is not right nor is smoking crack wearing tight pants with a puss on your face…

    Oh my god who names their kid Brain Cox.

    Beats Harry, I. Chase, and Seymour.


    Belle Rose

    I don’t think that assassination attempt was real. I think they were both staged. It’s Trump’s new way to get a poll boost. “Poor me look at me, they’re trying to kill me, (sob sob)…..”


    Simon Paynton

    I think they were both staged.

    I can’t imagine him standing there without flinching, waiting to take a bullet to the ear.

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