Sunday School

Sunday School February 2nd 2025

This topic contains 152 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  _Robert_ 1 hour, 30 minutes ago.

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    Project 2025 update.

    Could SCOTUS force the government to create religious public schools.

    RFK’s denials about his past claims have gone viral. He is lying to the Senate.

    Hopefully this post is the only school to talk about Bluebonnet Learning.

    Christian Nationalists are swooning over JD Vance’s remarks on Faux News.

    Federal websites scrub vaccine data and LGBT references after Trump order.

    After “faith-healing” death of 8-year-old girl, 14 Christians found guilty of manslaughter.

    An Iraqi Christian refugee has been murdered by members of the religion of peace.

    10 years later and I am still reading about Kim Davis.

    World of Woo: Gatorade Water.

    Environment: How long can fossil fuel dominance last?

    We don’t need to bring back religion, we need to bring back education.

    Is oligarchy the human condition?

    We don’t understand matter any better than mind.

    Why evolution is more ruthless than any human engineer.

    Steven Weinberg’s “Final Theory” might show us the lack of any inherent meaning to the Universe but this is part of the development of humanity’s intellectual maturity.

    The brain holds no exclusive rights on how to create intelligence.

    What a real-life ‘trolley problem’ reveals about morality.

    Reflections on Christopher Hitchens’s Thomas Paine and the Rights of Man.

    Long Reads: Christianity’s supposed role in ending slavery.  Cosmologists try a new way to measure the shape of the Universe.  In politics spectacle now beats argument every time.

    Sunday Book Club: The case against Reality: How evolution hid the truth from our eyes.

    Some photographs taken last week.

    While you are waiting for the kettle to boil……

    Coffee Break Videos:  The Nature of Pseudoscience, How to fight it, and why it matters. Sam Harris and Yuval Noah Harari in conversation.


    Have a great week everyone!




    Hey Reg, thank you. Happy Groundhog Day!


    Cheers Strega!

    Rita: Do you ever have déjà vu?
    Phil: Didn’t you just ask me that?


    Maybe? Nope, there will be pain but who will have to endure it?





    Wait till the market crashes and Musk gets his hands on Medicare and Social Security. Vote for a criminal and then gaze up to Jesus and wonder why the country is shite after all those prayers.






    Leopards are mostly solitary animals, so seeing a leap of leopards together is pretty rare in the wild. But soon they will be quite a common sight.




    CDC Orders Its Scientists To Withdraw New Papers To Hunt Out ‘Forbidden Terms’

    The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ordered government scientists to withdraw or pause the publication of all papers set to appear in medical or scientific journals so the Trump administration can review the material for “forbidden terms” such as “gender,” “LGBT” or “pregnant person,” according to a shocking new report.
    Inside Medicine, a Substack published by Dr. Jeremy Faust, obtained an email the CDC’s chief science officer sent to researchers instructing them to stop the advancement of manuscripts that are currently being revised or those that have already been accepted for publication. Researchers were told to remove any mention or reference to a list of terms.
    That list includes “gender, transgender, pregnant person, pregnant people, LGBT, transsexual, non-binary, nonbinary, assigned male at birth, assigned female at birth, biologically male, biologically female,” Inside Medicine, citing the email, reported.


    I guess a scientist can no longer use a non-binary operation in analyzing the data from the results of an experiment?

    In our experiment we used the following non-binary operations:


    From now on we will only use two inputs, to keep them all binary.



    When brown-shirt types are going door to door looking for the ‘socialist enemy of the state’ who posted some Anti-Musk meme last year and when gas is $20/gal, will the far-left or religious conservatives even understand how they were used by oligarchs to destroy a liberal democracy? I don’t think so.


    There are some MAGA folks living in my neighborhood. They are from Georgia and Florida and are some type of born-again Christians. They were delighted to know that I spend time in both of those States. Except for breathing oxygen, that is about the only thing we have in common. They honestly believe that Trump is going to “Save America” because it is the will of the Christian god that he does. They all voted for him because of this and they have zero grasp of any political or economic concepts (except tithing, I guess). Like so many of their fellow citizens, they all seemed intent on voting against their own best interests.

    They praise Cyrus the Great quite often.  Whenever I hear the name I ask “What can you tell me about the Battle of Opis“? Never get more that a confused stare. Try it out on one of them sometime 🙂

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