Sunday School

Sunday School February 2nd 2025

This topic contains 152 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  _Robert_ 1 hour, 52 minutes ago.

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    And Hamas is gonna pay for it, LOL. What a fool. The Jihad is going to be off the hook. Radical Islam is all about bikini resorts. How many Americans abroad will be taken hostage now? So, we are gonna just take Gaza, Canada and Greenland, so far.



    Now is the time for your tears about Donald Trump.

    Trump doesn’t even know basic Middle Eastern history. Egypt and Jordan don’t want the Palestinians and Hamas using their lands as bases for islamic terrorism, especially after the PLO tried to overthrow Jordan’s King Hussein in the Black September Civil War from 1970 to 1971.

    Also, it’s highly unlikely Saudi Arabia can be any party to Middle East peace as long as Islam is the official reliigon of Saudi Arabia and Al-Quran is their official religious text snd the Saudi flag has Al-Shahadah.

    A whole lot of presumpion going on here.

    One thing’s for sure, Trump sure loves his adjectives and adverbs, to the point of where they distract rather than clarify:



    Hello Enco.

    How is your health?

    I predicted Trump would want Gaza as a place to develop primo real estate. Too bad the Palestinians were infected with the deadly mind virus of the
    Islamic death cult. They could have gotten on with their lives and shared in economic prosperity with a Trumpy type plan when the Jews cleared out. But priorities are priorities and electing terrorists to govern who would carry out their glorious reason to live-killing Jews and having them removed from their never-was nation is paramount.

    I am guessing a confluence of factors led to his precipitate proposal for Gaza culminating in his meeting with Netanyahu. I remember that fat radio right wing populist, Rush Limbaugh, met with Netanyahu and described him as the most intelligent person he had ever met. So based on his persuasive skills coupled with impression formed already it is likely ill-planned and improvised. Just my guess.

    I had to watch CNN and MSNBC to see the lefties apoplectic and hog wild with indignation. The Palestinian right to self determination was vigorously championed. Does not apply to Jews though. Infernal Zionist entity! All of those displaced Palestinians! The 1947 partition of India and Pakistan had some 14 million displaced. After WW1 and WW2 tens of millions were displaced Including over 10 million Germans. But i am sure if USA and Israel cause this to happen it will be the crime of the last two centuries.

    Trump has definitely made the news more interesting! How much of the Gaza takeover is bluster? Is it possible? Well one thing is clear. The left at least in general sympathizes with The middle eastern Muslim mindset of hating Jews and wanting them out of Israel if not dead. At same time the world in general and left in particular could not give two cents for the welfare of Palestinians. Do we ever hear how horrendous the living conditions are for Palestinians in Arab/Muslim states? It is legit apartheid. No protests. Nothing. If the Jews are not the perceived oppressors it just aint interesting. And it is same thing all over the middle east. How many lefties are aware or care about the horrors in Syria, Somalia, Yemen etc.? And if it was still the Turks controlling Israel you would not hear any righteous indignation about the Palestinians.

    Trump is correct that it aint working. All we get is cycles of terrorism as innocent Palestinian babies are born and fed to the meat grinder of Hamas. For my money UNWRA and HAMAS are one and the same. Western nations who funded the death cult terrorist machine are hopefully going to change their policy.

    The Palestinians need to get the message. You lost. The Egyptians lost and signed a peace treaty with Israel in i think 1979. No further conflict. The Germans and Japanese had to be taught a lesson in WW11 before they moved on. They have not attacked anyone since. And unlike Israel the allies targeted civilians. Germany and Japan have done remarkably well since being taught a lesson. What the lefty morons want is more intifada. How is that resistance working out? They just keep bathing in their fabricated narratives and fueling terrorism and antisemitism. YOU FUCKING LOST. Find a better life mission. It is pathetic.

    If this Gaza takeover occurs it will be interesting to see who is going to actually take in Gazans. We already know they are despised in the middle east. I suppose if Trump makes threats and has incentives it is remotely possible. Tell the Gazans that Hamas is going to be eliminated and that they have a deadline to get out or they will share the fate of Hamas. If these bleed dodger blue lovers of Palestinians would make them citizens and offer housing and benefits and job training along with threat of dying if they don’t leave? How about Canada? Super Jew hating nation that loves them some Palestinians. Where else? Australia?



    Following is worth reading.

    The idea of a two state solution is dead. Israel had many lefties but reality smacks you in the face with a raw steak. It was inevitable. Just like Europe turning right was inevitable with that many Muslims immigrating.

    And by the way the support for Hamas is even stronger in the West Bank than it is in Gaza.


    Here is a website you might like to  bookmark


    A poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCPSR) between November 22 and December 2, 2023, found that 72% of Palestinians believed Hamas’s decision to launch the October 7 attack on Israel was correct. support was higher in the West Bank (82%) compared to the Gaza Strip (57%). (source)

    However, subsequent surveys indicated a decline in support for the attack. By early September 2024, 57% of Gaza respondents believed the decision to launch the attack was incorrect, up from 43% in June. In the West Bank, 64% still supported the attack, though this represented a decline from previous levels.   (source).

    Basically, they were very happy to have started the war but changed their minds when they started to lose it. But the war is not over. There is a ceasefire but until Hamas are defeated and acknowledge publicly that they are defeated, the war will continue. If they attack Israel again then last year will seem a summer holiday.




    Yeah, a two-state solution, as traditionally envisioned, is no longer a realistic outcome. A lot of Western leaders are still calling for one, in response to Trump’s “Riviera” idea. Palestinian political disunity is a major problem as their leadership is split between the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza. The PA is seen as weak and corrupt, while Hamas is labeled as a terrorist group by the West, Israel, and some Arab states. Israel has forged new alliances (Abraham Accords) with Gulf states, reducing its need for a Palestinian peace deal. They only have themselves to blame.


    Some commentary on “State Capture“.



    The Palestinian Authority is remarkably enlightened in having welfare payments that are triggered by so called pay for slay aka a martyrs’fund. 30 million budget annually. Hey don’t look askance. It is only right that they have a slew of virgins for their heroes and financial support for the living.

    Palestinian Prisoner and Martyr Payments Explained

    Jewish comedian in West Bank says almost did not make it out alive. Given a convenient fabrication distorting reality from lefties and the endless mind virus of Islamic origin that glorifies killing Jews and villifies Jews and more recently demands destruction of the state of Israel. Here is what ya get.




    Thanks for asking about my health and I hope you and all here are staying healthy.

    No more heart or rhabdo incidents, but I got a diabetic ulcer on my foot last September and I’ve been trying to heal it since. The first Podiatrist the hospital foisted on me wanted me to stay out of work for a month–which he might have the luxury to do but I don’t–and the Wound Center regimen put added blisters on my foot.

    I then switched to the Podiatrist who healed my broke toe a few years ago and she got me a new boot to offload pressure and new collegen pads to treat my wound. I put more confidence in this latest regimen and I should have gone to her in the first place, but I was just so desperate to get better I went with the hospital’s original course.

    My employer is understanding and lets me sit at work to offload pressure, but this has made me sedentary, irregular, and gaining in weight, so I have another set of health problems to deal with. (Sorry for the TMI, but it does show that the body is a set of interacting systems of parts that don’t interact according to an omniscient, omniintelligent, perfect plan.)

    Sorry, a single-payer healthcare plan would have been no help and made things even worse by adding a long line at each point of treatment, first the hospital, then the first Podiatrist, then the Wound Center, then the second Podiatrist, and the Medical Suppliers providing the boot, the pads, and the antibiotics.

    What would have helped is if a physician could have taken some of my debrided skin and cloned a graft over my wound. Or better yet cloned a new pancreas so that foot wounds aren’t a life-and-limb-threatening danger. I would have been better a long time ago with freedom to clone.

    Unless the Donald will Executively reverse the diktats of George W. Bush, there’s no chance of “tampering in God’s domain” to solve a whole slew of health problems.

    And there’s even less hope, since the prospective Chief MAGA Witch Doctor Robert. F. Kennedy Jr. opposes Genetic Engineering and 5G WiFi for communicating needed medical data.

    But enough about me, showing operation scars at a cocktail party can be poor form. Your analysis of the Israel-Hamas tragedy is ever-thoughtful. And “pay-for-slay” simply nailed it!

    • This reply was modified 6 days, 13 hours ago by  TheEncogitationer. Reason: Spelling
    • This reply was modified 6 days, 13 hours ago by  TheEncogitationer. Reason: Spelling


    Some commentary on “State Capture“.

    Paywall. I think they used to let you have a certain number of free articles per month. No more.

    Summarize, perhaps?




    I’ll try and save you some effort: If it’s paywalled, don’t expect anyone to read it.

    The Mainstream Lamestream Media helped create who Donald Trump is lo all these many years, and Congress farmed out so much of their Constitutional powers to the Executive Branch lo for all these many decades, so why is their caterwauling about Donald Trump worth reading or listening or viewing or downloading at either any price or even no price?

    Also, if irrationality and Woo have taken over our society so badly, doesn’t the Mainstream Lamestream Media, along with Unionized teachers, professors, and Celebrity Culture all bear at least some responsibility for all this? Don’t they deserve as much detision and scorn as Trump and the Christian Right and all their adjacents?

    This time in U.S. and World History needs to be treated as a Souless-Mind-searching, Come-To-Nonexistent-Messiah Moment. There is no “right side of history” unless you get out of the bitch and push it!




    Sounds like an awful ride on the roller coaster of life. I just took a nasty fall hiking after slipping on ice so i am gonna rant a little about the left.

    Naah, I will hold it in abeyance as it is painful to type.

    BTW hang in because a little birdie told me medicine is on cusp of revolution.


    Sorry, my bad. I thought I had shared that link to State Capture above. Please try it again here.



    Sorry, my bad. I thought I had shared that link to State Capture above. Please try it again here.

    That works. I have a lot of time on my hands and look at many sources of information and viewpoints. However, at the same time I have a small budget that is not keeping up with inflation. As a result, I simply don’t have a budget for subscribing to some kinds of things. Especially when secondary sources will tell me what was said behind the paywall.

    Anyway, from the article:

    The details vary by context, but the political scientist Elizabeth David-Barrett lays out three general mechanisms of state capture. They now sound familiar: shaping the rules of the game through law and policy; influencing administrative decisions by capturing the budget, appointments, government contracts and regulatory decisions; and disabling checks on power by dismantling accountability structures like the judiciary, law enforcement and prosecution, and audit institutions like the inspectors general and the media.

    One of the flaws in our three-part delegation of powers is that, while the legislature can pass laws and the courts can interpret them, the only branch which has any credible enforcement power is the Executive Branch. And since Trump fancies himself a king, that means that anything Trump doesn’t want enforced won’t be enforced. I’m sure he even reserves the power to ignore decisions of the Supreme Court he disagrees with. He can always invoke emergency powers and suspend the Constitution. And, if that were to happen, our only way out would be through a military coup led by generals who, unlike Trump, actually take their oath to defend the Constitution seriously. So, you can bet that he will do his best to purge the military of such leaders.

    BTW, he seems to be following a strategy laid out a few years ago by Steve Bannon, described in this insightful video:

    The strategy is one of overloading the defenses along the lines drone swarm attacks.

    • This reply was modified 6 days, 9 hours ago by  Unseen.
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