Reg the Fronkey Farmer
Simon Paynton replied to the topic
Arcane or Irrelevant Topic? On Free Will, Determinism, and Quantum Physics in the forum Artificial Intelligence 1 month, 1 week ago
Group Selection: Groups with cooperative, moral members tend to survive and thrive better, promoting the evolution of moral behavior.
Ethical Frameworks: Philosophical doctrines like Kant’s categorical imperative or utilitarianism guide moral actions through reasoned principles.
These are flat-out wrong. Beyond th…[Read more]
Simon Paynton posted an update 6 months, 2 weeks ago
@regthefronkeyfarmer – I want to mention the Catholic mother and baby homes scandal in my book. I think the Catholic Church in Ireland was a classic example of where patriarchy has taken advantage of an existing power structure. In this case, it’s taken over the Irish Catholic Church entirely. That’s been its downfall, in addition to the kiddie…[Read more]
Simon is there anything peculiar about patriarchy? Or is it simply the case that wherever power resides abuse occurs?
Patriarchy is a system of domination and control that is always looking for a host (according to the theory). So it’s not a system of abuse, but it encourages abuse. Also there’s paedophilia, always looking for opportunities for abuse. So the second has piggy-backed on the first in my opinion.
Simon Paynton replied to the topic
Only asking questions. in the forum The Atheist Agora 2 years, 2 months ago
@regthefronkeyfarmer, could you please ask it what is the foundation of morality? I wager it will mention human flourishing and religion, and say that the question isn’t settled. I think it will also mention the classical ethical theories like utilitarianism and deontology (what is their foundation?).
Autumn replied to the topic The Jews claim that the Messiah is here, but is he the real one? in the forum Theism 2 years, 3 months ago
Or do you rather want to keep your live a secret because of its sinning character?
I can guarantee you I have never once sinned.
You agree, Brother @regthefronkeyfarmer?
This is my favourite bit. I think someone’s made a new friend.
Johan replied to the topic The Jews claim that the Messiah is here, but is he the real one? in the forum Theism 2 years, 3 months ago
@Johan, if your god exists on FB or in some Metaverse, I am happy for you. But I have no interest in your bus as all the wheels seem to have fallen off it.
I agree brother. I am the Mother of God sending her children off to school, but the bus needs no wheels because God is the bus, the journey, and…
Johan replied to the topic The Jews claim that the Messiah is here, but is he the real one? in the forum Theism 2 years, 3 months ago should cause a storm of interrogating skeptics:
Cuz it just doesn’t get more scientific than testimony from insane religious zealots on a tictok video. Pathetic.
Quoting Carl Sagan: “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” The highly estee…
Johan replied to the topic The Jews claim that the Messiah is here, but is he the real one? in the forum Theism 2 years, 3 months ago
Why is it do you think that the words of God would have needed to be “selected” by a council?
Well said, BR!
I agree, Brother. The Words of God creates Life. As is seen in Genesis. I used them to create myself to be a Mother of God’s Kids and are using them now to Create my Family. As is seen on Faceboo…[Read more]
Johan replied to the topic The Jews claim that the Messiah is here, but is he the real one? in the forum Theism 2 years, 3 months ago
I suppose psychosis is always going to find an expression. I wonder whether borderline psychosis might not manifest without the fertile territory religion furnishes its host. Talk about immersed in horse shit there is seemingly endless mythology and opportunity to superimpose oneself in the fiction.
Seems you are also stuck in…[Read more]
Simon Paynton replied to the topic An Ethical Exercise – What do you think in the forum Small Talk 4 years, 2 months ago
@regthefronkeyfarmer – that’s so silly.
fullermingjr replied to the topic
Sunday School July 5th 2020 in the forum Sunday School 4 years, 7 months ago
Hey Reg, @regthefronkeyfarmer,
I don’t know Perkins personally, but I’m no supporter. As I said in another post, it’s really bad when “evangelical types” syncretistically blend nationalism with theology.
You also talked about Catholics meeting in their church buildings and holding “Mass”, denying the reality of the COVID-19 Coronavirus. M…[Read more]
fullermingjr replied to the topic Pastor vs Pastor in the forum Theism 4 years, 7 months ago
Greetings Reg, @regthefronkeyfarmer, Yes – I’m human!
You said, “…my main thing is debating with theists of all or any Faiths.” Interesting. Hey, I’m game. Is there a thread you want to start here on the, or do you want to do this via email one-on-one? Either way, I’m game. I’m confident I would learn something and who k…[Read more]
Simon Paynton replied to the topic
Sunday School 28th June 2020 in the forum Sunday School 4 years, 7 months ago
@regthefronkeyfarmer – could be Studio 54 on a good night.
Simon Paynton replied to the topic
Pretty much sums up the frustration of modern academics in the forum Humanism 4 years, 8 months ago
@regthefronkeyfarmer – Westermarck
I have a paper on “Finnish philosophers” that talks about Westermarck, I’ll give it another look. I’ve encountered him in talking about anthropology.
PopeBeanie replied to the topic
Sunday School April 12th 2020 in the forum Sunday School 4 years, 10 months ago
Around when Sarah Palin was running for VP with McCain and pushing the idea that Obama would create Death Panels that would decide who should live or die as a result of his promised health care reforms, I made a bumper sticker: Palin/Schiavo 2008.
Waitasec, @RegTheFronkeyFarmer, that Schiavo link goes to a Paula White article.
Ivy replied to the topic
Sunday School March 1st 2020 in the forum Sunday School 4 years, 11 months ago
@Regthefronkeyfarmer If you listen to what he actually says in regards to those things it is not the same as his stupid punk ass followers. What I have heard him say the most on the issue is the fact that he gets upset about the fact that feminists tend to believe that the gender gap in pay equality it’s only related to gender, and he is p…[Read more]
Ivy replied to the topic Confused in the forum Advice 4 years, 12 months ago
When you say you are confused about what you believe are you talking about belief in God or with something broader that involves trusting specific people and what they say?
honestly all of the above. Just everything. A paper and pen is a good idea. Right now I don’t know who to trust.
Simon Paynton replied to the topic
Sunday School January 19th 2020 in the forum Sunday School 5 years, 1 month ago
@regthefronkeyfarmer – how does religion warp otherwise good people into doing bad things? Maybe it’s false to call people good or bad, since there’s probably a bit of good and bad, or light and dark, in all of us.
I think that the big fault of religion is that it gives people reasons to judge, exclude, and hate others.
Apart from this, it…[Read more]
Simon Paynton replied to the topic Jordan Peterson definition of God in the forum Theism 5 years, 7 months ago
I think he has a description of what God would be like if He existed, and corresponds this description to real-world ideas. So, the “follower” of Peterson is free to choose either way.
@regthefronkeyfarmer – have you got examples of his negative statements about atheists? I haven’t heard any of these.
Reg the Fronkey Farmer replied to the topic
Sunday School May 19th 2019 in the forum Sunday School 5 years, 9 months ago
@regthefronkeyfarmer – do you know, where did AI get that from? What do they mean?
Sounds familiar but could you link the page URL please.
Simon Paynton replied to the topic
Sunday School May 19th 2019 in the forum Sunday School 5 years, 9 months ago
What is Humanism?
Atheist Ireland said:
here are supposed naturalists and empiricists modelling their ethics on pseudoscientific claims
@regthefronkeyfarmer – do you know, where did AI get that from? What do they mean?
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