
  • Davis replied to the topic Quack! Quack! in the forum Politics 10 months, 2 weeks ago

    I want symmetry.

    No you don’t Jake. All I see you doing is condemning the barbarity of Hamas and justifying the barbarity of the Israeli army. You are not interested at all in genuine justice but in justifying gross double standards. None of you talking about Israel/Palestine for the last weeks have been remotely capable of a shred of nuance, self…[Read more]

  • So the gist of the, what should be an utterly non-controversial statement in a non crazy universe is:

    Women being raped is a problem, it is not a small problem, this shouldn’t happen, we can all do our part to stop it.

    But I am Yet to read a person agreeing rape is a problem, not a small problem, that we should do what we can to stop it (except…[Read more]

  • The effort being made to Down play the prevalence of rape and sexual assault is sickening. This enables rape culture. You should be horrified by these statistics, not trying to fight them. Stop enabling rape culture.

  • You are indirectly victim blaming. Your entire commentary has been almost entirely about the victims and what they should do with little at all about rapists/predators and what they shouldn’t do (and how we can help stop them). We get rid of crime by stopping criminals and not enabling them. Again, people can do everything any other reasonable…[Read more]

  • You are indirectly victim blaming. Zheesh. We get ride of crime by stopping criminals and not enabling them. Again, people can do everything any other reasonable person would, and still be a victim. Your attitude simply enables things to go on the way they always have and makes it hard to change things.

  • I’ve just said I’ve been in rapey situations, and instead of anyone going “I’m sorry to hear that, that’s bad, those guys shouldn’t have done that” I get “maybe you should pick these guys more carefully”. This is classic rape culture enabling. The nicest seeming guy in the world can turn out to be rapey.

    I’m glad to hear you haven’t come across…[Read more]

  • Rape is very likely a biological reality. Chimps are rapists too and they share most of our dna

    Indeed. Humans have the capacity to rape, murder, lie, commit genocide against millions, enslave, spread pointless hate. They also have the ability to modify this behaviour, by making actually very small sacrifices to increase overall safety,…[Read more]

  • See, Robert is a prime example of covering up and pretending rape culture isn’t a problem (especially with his toxic tropes like “cat calling” can be okay though “not if he is ugly” bullshit). And he is more progressive than a lot of men. It is a prime illustration of how much progress is left to be made.

    In my ice hockey locker room, I hear guys…[Read more]

  • Yeah I’m quite aware of that. I tend to date big guys (rugby player types) and I have been in more than a few situations where I had to physically stop them after asking them to a few times and them ignoring me. I started becoming super careful afterwards. And I am a big guy who can fight back. So yes, could not agree more, on the whole, women can…[Read more]

  • I’m sorry to hear unapologetic that we have yet another bigot on this site. Are you also an anti-semite?

  • I agree, that some men get offended when rape culture is pointed out, as in, pointing out that other men engage in rape culture is tantamount to lumping them in with that rape culture. That is seriously problematic, the sensible reaction should be “yeah, that is a problem, I stand with all victims of rape culture”. But if all men are being painted…[Read more]

  • Totally, the alien is still utterly terrifying decades later.

  • Jake, just calm down with your bigotry. I’m sorry you have become such a raging bigot and refuse to recognise that. Your double standards with justly pointing out anti-Semitism while repeating the very same over-the top things about Islam is nauseating. You aren’t even a closet bigot, it is so utterly out there in the open for anyone to see who…[Read more]

  • Davis replied to the topic Nobody saw this coming in the forum Small Talk 1 year ago

    I agree, there is a window, say 1 or 2 pints where it can be easier to understand, but once you get past three and especially past 6, I find the slurred speech and reverting to local dialect makes it pretty tough to understand. Following a drunk man in a bar in Glasgow (or in my experience in a Pub in county Kerry) was so impossible I just nodded…[Read more]

  • Davis replied to the topic Nobody saw this coming in the forum Small Talk 1 year ago

    Defo Scottish. Sounds like a Southern Highland’s accent but has lived in the central belt (between Glasgow and Edinburgh). Or the other way around. Could be wrong. It’s not particularly strong. By this I mean, completely understandable without strain or effort. Had a plumber in from Glasgow last year, I had to ask him to repeat himself three times…[Read more]

  • turns its adherents into something way less than animals

    This is the kind of language anti-semites used in the run up to Naziism. It is no coincidence that Autumn left this website around when some of you started saying shocking dehumanising things that go far beyond simple criticism of religion. I am, at this point, embarrassed to be associated…[Read more]

  • Ugh an utter dog shit video on Palestine-Israel. This topic brings out the nutjobbery, fallacies, brain-farts, bigotry, reverse bigotry and ugliness from both sides all the time. You simply cannot avoid nonsense videos by both Pro-Israeli and Pro-Palestinian people trying to justify the unjustifiable and discredit the other side through utterly…[Read more]

  • Science and Philosophy have some overlap but are absolutely distinct. Even within Philosophy and Science there are so many different fields with different aims and methodologies.

    Science deals with both the physical and the pure sciences, both practical and theoretical. Science heavily influences other STEM subjects (maths, engineering) as well…[Read more]

  • “Influence” on how people decide to live their lives, infers “choice”. Is choice meaningful or not Pope? If it is not, then influencing someone’s choice is not meaningful either. This is not rocket science.

  • There is no superficiality about it. If one argues others have no choice to have done but what they have done, have no agency, it is absurd to then, in the same book, go on to try and influence their future choices/agency. The only way around that is magical thinking or special pleading.

    If we don’t have free will, we are not responsible for our…[Read more]

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