_Robert_ posted an update in the group
Atheist Cats 1 year, 2 months ago
jakelafort posted an update 1 year, 7 months ago
Listening to NPR heard a story about the successor to chat GPT. Microsoft’s version-billion invested and an apparent 2001 Space Odyssey leap forward compared to the original language model. If the stories are true it is not just a probability machine. It is reasoning. I won’t bother elaborating in regards to the evidence. I assume this will draw…[Read more]
I think we’ve had automatic theorem provers for a long time. That’s reasoning that humans have a hard time with. Awareness? Surely it would have to have instruments connecting it to the outside world.
Simon i think you will be surprised when the story is told. In any event it makes me wonder about consciousness. Biological awareness started with FEELING. Is feeling inextricably linked with consciousness? Obviously it is in biology. Can it arise sans biology as unadulterated thought?
We could think of feelings or emotions as psychological reactions to threats or opportunities regarding fitness and survival. All the machine has to do is care whether it lives or dies in order to have basic evaluative valence of external stimuli. That’s probably quite easy to program in.
I assume emotions evolved to enhance survival. But the question of caring whether it lives or dies begs the question as to what are the ingredients to self awareness or…
I think it’s easy enough to simulate emotions with numbers, (just + and -) but the actual feeling of them is something else that requires consciousness as you say….
On bus to SF right now happens to be a service dog nearby, noticing other people and seemingly avoiding eye contact. These (imo) emotion based behaviors always remind me of how deeply in our minds they evolved. And another “feeling moment” now… Just crossed GG bridge.
I just favorited your comment because it’s worth coming back to if/when I have time. Would you and Simon be ok, btw, if I copy/paste comments here into the C…
I’m sorry if you had trouble trying to respond to me. I deleted and re-edited my reply at least four times, it may have messed up other responses.
That’s fine by me, @popebeanie.
ysumlin posted an update in the group
The African and The Indigenous FreeThinkers 2 years, 9 months ago
Jody Lee replied to the topic Will you trust the Covid vaccine? in the forum Science 4 years, 1 month ago
I will be receiving my first dose of the vaccine tomorrow morning! ❤
Reg the Fronkey Farmer added a Photo 4 years, 2 months ago
Funny, during the beginnings of the COVID-19 Pandemic, I got a snailmailed copy of _The Watchtower_ and a very neatly handwritten letter from a local JW. I remailed them back with a note containing the link to The Skeptic’s Annotated Bible and a kind reply: “Reason, Logic, and Science are for everyone, not just for the 144,000. Toodles!” (144,000,…[Read more]
This is not true according to two COVID-Christers I encountered at my store. One was a corn-fed Tammy Faye clone who forgot her trowel-and-mortar make-up. The other was a clone of T.D Jake’s and/or Leroy Brown. They were both saying: “Your mask won’t work, and yours won’t, and yours won’t! The only thing that will work is the healing power of…[Read more]
A variation on “let everyone die and Allah will sort them out”.
One was a corn-fed Tammy Faye clone who forgot her trowel-and-mortar make-up…..great line.
PopeBeanie posted an update 4 years, 10 months ago
TO ALL: There is an ongoing attack on AtheistZone that’s taken advantage of some kind of flaw in wordpress. DO NOT click on any unfamiliar usernames, as they may take you to a dangerous website. Also, do not investigate the new Groups, of which there are several. I do not have the power to fix these things, and am waiting for the website owner to respond.
PopeBeanie posted an update 4 years, 10 months ago
TO ALL: Do not click on any unfamiliar links. There is an ongoing attack that’s taken advantage of some kind of flaw in wordpress. Specifically, I just got taken to affiliatelabz.com just by clicking on a new AZ username.
_Robert_ added 3 Photos 5 years, 3 months ago
Davis posted an update 5 years, 4 months ago
_Robert_ posted an update 5 years, 9 months ago
I see that people still post on the original think atheist forum.
My Firefox says it is an attack site. Maybe it’s haunted lol
LOL, maybe
@Simon, TA might not have a valid certificate right now, so that should cause a security warning.
Did you read my mind?! I wrote a related post only a few days ago but have been waiting for approval before publishing. I might as well publish it now for the few people reading this, but I might be asked to remove it later. We’ll see.
https://atheistzone.com/groups/ta-oldies-but-goodies/forum/topic/best-of-ta-by-category/ -
I meant to ask you… I only see two posts there from Wednesday May 08, and then four from back in November 2018. Have you seen other recent posts?
No, just the two on may 8
jakelafort posted an update 5 years, 10 months ago
There is a tendency to ponder consciousness as though it is separate and apart from biology. We don’t ask the same questions about binocular vision, bioluminescence, venom, and echolocation.
We also learn how we may be projecting our bias as special creation (even atheists make this mistake) in our criticism of anthropomorphism as we find the…[Read more]
Reg the Fronkey Farmer replied to the topic
Sunday School February 3rd 2019 in the forum Sunday School 6 years ago
The role of the Satanic Temple is to stop Christians from being allowed to openly ignore the Constitution of the United States. They are very busy at the moment because of the discrimination and persecution of non-Christians and their attempts at thwarting or changing Civil Laws that do not agree with their religious beliefs especially now that…[Read more]
Reg the Fronkey Farmer replied to the topic
Sunday School November 18th 2018 in the forum Sunday School 6 years, 2 months ago
Have a great week everyone!!
You can safely assume that you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.– Anne Lamott.
Reg the Fronkey Farmer added a Photo 6 years, 3 months ago
Clearsky posted an update 6 years, 4 months ago
jakelafort posted an update 6 years, 4 months ago
interesting article about colds
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/09/180926111001.htm -
Earle Sanborn posted an update 6 years, 6 months ago
And here I thought you were going to thank me for the donation this morning- nope.
I know several guys who prefer guys- not one said they were born that way. If people would simply admit (honesty) their fantasies, lusts, desires, impulses, etc. as such; instead of trying to hide/blame their gene pool (or even the Devil) for all their actions…[Read more]
1. what’s wrong with being gay?
2. what made your friends turn gay, if they weren’t born that way?-
You’re not going to like this, but here goes.
Along with the 10 commandments that we should strive to uphold (for our benefit mind you) there’s a host of things the Eternal declares an abomination or perversion see Lev 18 which includes a man laying with a man as with a woman. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how strong a guy’s sex drive is or a…[Read more] -
OK but being gay doesn’t cause harm, and you haven’t given any good reasons why someone would choose to be gay. It’s all very vague. I know that sexuality can drive people to do some regrettable things, but being gay isn’t one of those regrettable things in my opinion.
_Robert_ posted an update 6 years, 6 months ago
had a few drinks and bought a banjo for some reason..
Bwambale Robert posted an update 6 years, 6 months ago
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