jakelafort replied to the topic Is the absence of chaos among the inner planets, apart of fine tuning? in the forum Science 1 year, 9 months ago
michael17, is it evident to you how your world view colors your lens accordingly?
Not that objectivity is possible for humans and yet any form of ideology/orthodoxy renders a flawed human an absolute trash receptacle. I don’t mean that in a bad way…it is just that…
Belle Rose replied to the topic The nicest bigot I’ve ever met in the forum Small Talk 2 years, 3 months ago
Damn foreigners are ruining America. Build another wall! Keep the Canadians oot!
WAIT!!!!!!!!!! Before you build that wall up paaalllleeeeezzzzz let me in!!!!…..lol
Autumn replied to the topic
Sunday School 9th January 2022 in the forum Sunday School 3 years, 1 month ago
Good comment. Reminds me of an adage I sometimes use; “what is common sense to one person is special knowledge to another”
That probably needs a corollary of some sort. For many people it’s common sense that you pray for someone when they get sick, for instance. What is common sense to one person is, at times, ‘Wh…[Read more]
_Robert_ replied to the topic IS CHRISTMAS AND OTHER THINGS FROM EMPEROR CONSTANTINE BIBLICAL? in the forum Theism 3 years, 1 month ago
The traditional excuse is that Emperor Constantine was trying to discourage paganism by christianizing its holidays. Instead he fabricated pagan Christianity better known as Orthodoxy; No raising of the dead , cleansing of the leper, healing the sick, just fake casting out of demons. Hence none of the signs of true…
Unseen replied to the topic When will the Feds give up on "You should never pay a ransom"? in the forum Small Talk 3 years, 8 months ago
Yes, I was thinking about that. The FBI or NSA would be unlikely to disclose how that was done. I am speculating here but I suspect that the code used to transfer the funds had a “bug” attached to it that told the FBI the bank (or digital wallet) the bitcoins were sent to. Similar to a bug placed in a briefcase giv…
jakelafort replied to the topic My thoughts on UFO's, then yours. in the forum Small Talk 3 years, 8 months ago
Those articles are fine. On the other hand i don’t like the insinuation that the god proposition is on an equal footing with life on other planets. The latter is a near sure thing in my estimation.
Ivy replied to the topic Noviembre in the forum Politics 4 years, 6 months ago
I told you – he’s going to lie steal and cheat now more than ever – unabashedly And unashamedly….And most likely get away with it.
Unseen replied to the topic Is the Pentagon becoming more transparent over UFOs? in the forum Science 4 years, 6 months ago
Contrary to your assertion that “anti particles have been posited for dark matter, however tests have ruled it out.” your link speculates about a new particle. I don’t see that anti-particles have been ruled out conclusively. There’s a lot of…[Read more]